Using a Groupon coupon to buy much needed contact lenses can save you lots of money.
Combining a short time payday loan with great deals from Groupon can lead to a win-win situation all the way around. Especially when you consider how much money you can save using Groupon to buy from 1800 contacts. If paying for the doctor’s office visit and the co-pay on your contacts is more than you can handle at the moment, you can take heart in knowing that there is a way to save your tired eyes that desperately need an upgraded prescription.
With our prescription in hand, you can use a short term Instant Payday Loan to cover the cost of the contacts. Using a payday loan is easy. You decide the amount you need to borrow until payday and make arrangements to borrow that amount for a small fee. We’ll loan you the money and hold onto your check until you can deposit the amount of money due into your checking account. For most people, this is their payday, hence the name of the loan. But the advantage is that even though you were going to spend the money, you don’t have to miss out on a great deal or delay getting a much needed service. You can take care of your pressing need, and for a small fee, pay back the money.
At Instant Payday Loans, we comply with the Truth in Lending Act and make sure our borrowers know exactly what they are getting, and know the cost of the loan so they can make an intelligent, informed decision. That’s where Groupon can go a long way to make this transaction easier. When you use a Groupon to purchase a necessity like contact lenses, you can save as much as $30 off, plus free shipping. That’s more than the cost of the loan.
So, if you are in the market for contact lenses, and need a small loan to tide you over, consider the services of Instant Payday Loans and go ahead and make that appointment so you can rid yourself of the eye strain and headaches that come from not seeing clearly.