Posted on: December 21, 2019 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

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Social media platforms are best for marketing purpose today. No matter what type of business (online or small local you own, you can get new leads and create brand awareness with social media platforms. Many people tend to overlook it and rely on old methods. But old methods do not work anymore. You have to change your approach with time and keep learning if you want to keep growing.

Introduction to SMM

Social media marketing or SMM is the type of marketing where you advertise your products or brand on social media platforms. SMM is a great way to get new leads. You can generate thousands and even millions of leads if you do it properly.

What are different social media platforms?

You only need to focus on two social media platforms and you are good to take your business to new heights. You just have to focus on:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

If you work on these two platforms you will get the desired results.

Which one is better

Both are great in their own way but mostly marketers prefer Facebook as best. The reason is that Facebook marketing manager provides better options for creating ads. You can retarget people with the date it saves for you.

Instagram is great for businesses that have visual products like decoration materials. If you could create visually appealing ads Instagram is best for you.

You can market your business profiles on Google as well

Google is the biggest search engine and every day billions of searches are conducted in it. You can use Google to increase your leads or brand awareness for you social media profiles as well. This could help you grow your followers on your social media profiles. The best thing is that the price of advertising with google adwords[โฆษณา google ราคา, which is the term in Thai] can be pre-decided by you.

This way you are not spending anything extra and you can get more leads.

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